Since you will be working in a hospital soon, there are things you should watch out for. I wish they weren't so scary. That's why I've invented a new one.
The other day I went to Cartoon Network with Adam and the lady signing us in asked if I was Adam's sister, because she thought we looked so alike. Well Quatty, I guess we have a brother.
By request, here is a picture of my new bed. Something is wrong with my camera and I can't take any pictures, so I drew it instead. It's Queen Sized and I got a new down Comforter.
last night I found two!!! Black widows outside the house. The first one Court smashed against the wall. The second was under the bench and harder to get. I sprayed it with raid until it fell off the web, But it kept getting back up. It was in a puddle of raid but wasn't stopping. Finally court stepped on that one too. Raid does not work on widows.
I've been playing this game with Court lately. It's an older arcade game where you have to jump onto cubes and turn them different colors. Watch out for that snake! It's pretty hard but it's fun. That's all.