Monday, November 15, 2010

Zombie Attack!

It may be because I watched the pilot for "The Walking Dead", but last night I had a crazy zombie dream.
I was in the lobby of a tall building trying to get into the elevator because once I got to the top floors I would be ok. I was armed with a special laser gun that explodes zombie heads. The worst part was that these zombies shot back. One with bright pink hair got a hold of a gun and started firing at me. The dream ended just as the elevator doors shut with me inside. I guess I made it.


  1. I'm pretty sure you just described the plot of the potentially highest grossing film of all-time.

  2. Thank God the elevator door closed
    in time. Close one!

  3. phew! well that dream ended better than most haha.

  4. Last night I had a dream Adam turned evil and tried to kill me with a toothpick through the heart.

  5. A toothpick is a pretty small weapon. Maybe, lay off the vampire movies for a while?
