Dear Quatty,
You know the ugly window sill the land lady shoved against the house to try and keep the dog out? Well it's not working. The other day I found a pile of poop right in the middle of the dirt patch where the lady stole my tree.
I called mammy and she said to cut up peppers and sprinkle it on the spot. That would keep the dog away.
I sprinkled those peppers all over the place and went for a drive with Muto. I forgot to wash my hands after cutting the pepper and wiped my eye.
Mutie ran out of the car like a hero and bought me a bottle of water. I held it up to my flaming eyeball. I also splashed the water over my eyes and was thankful I hadn't applied any mascara that day.
This morning there was no poop on the lawn, but a pile right outside the fence. Either the dog was lazy today or the peppers worked. Results are inconclusive.